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betrieben von Zi-fec Archiv Dokumentation & Sammlung Dr. Zisenis

Dr. Zisenis

Zi-fec Archiv Dokumentation & Sammlung Dr. Zisenis ist ein privates nicht-gewerbliches Projekt von Dr. M. Zisenis, Deutschland, mit dem Zweck, Informationen und Objekte zu sammeln, zu studieren und zu veröffentlichen, die sich auf die ehemalige Künstlerfamilie Ziesenis und andere Künstler oder bedeutende Personen namens Zisenis, Ziesenis, Zieseniss oder ähnlich beziehen, einschließlich Personen, die mit ihnen verwandt sind.

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2.5 Zieseniss, diverse

Floor 2 / room 5

Other Zieseniss personalities in Germany

Alexander Zieseniss (1899-1945) - Indologist

The Indologist Dr. habil. Alexander Zieseniss was born on March 11, 1899 in Börnsen (Lauenburg), west of Hamburg. He studied oriental studies at the universities of Heidelberg, Freiburg, Hamburg, Tübingen and Berlin. In Hamburg he received his doctorate in 1928 with a dissertation on the Rama legend among the Malays. It was there that he habilitated in 1936 with a study on the history of post-Puranic Shivaism.

A. Zieseniss was the first German Indologist who dealt in detail with the history of Indian texts and Indian legends of salvation on Java. Through this and through his investigations into the history of the dogmatics of Shivaism, he occupies an important position among German Indologists. His research results were also respected in the Netherlands and in India.

Dossier: Alexander Zieseniss
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Innkeeper and building contractor Zieseniß in Hanover-Badenstedt

Heinrich Zieseniss (18..-19..) - innkeeper in Badenstedt


This entry and the following ones are still incomplete. They will be added as soon as the corresponding dossier has been prepared. We ask for patience.


Friedrich Zieseniss (18..-19..) - official masonry master, building contractor and local mayor in Badenstedt



Heinrich Zieseniss (18..-19..) - building contractor in Badenstedt



Listed Zieseniss buildings in Germany

Villa Zieseniss in Burgdorf



House Zieseniss in Hannover



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